
How we work with B2B SaaS & Technology companies

We’re looking for companies to add to our list of success stories.

Our team has a track record of growing B2B SaaS, and technology businesses. We know the difference between knowledge and wisdom is experience, and we want to use ours to grow your business.

We have grown software and technology companies using the following areas of expertise:

  • Demand Generation Strategy that holistically ties together positioning, and full-funnel content and offer architecture, content strategy, and analytics and attribution modelling.
  • Paid Media Traffic acquisition to get right-fit prospects including building the strategy and executing campaigns on Paid Media channels including Google Adwords, Facebook Ads, Instagram, and Linkedin Ads.
  • Organic SEO strategy, implementation, and optimization including end-to-end SEO audits, website migration consulting, and Technical SEO guidance. Our team is skilled in modern frameworks including Javascript-based SEO for Angular, Meteor, Backbone, and other SPA’s.
  • Content creation, creating interactive assets such as infographics and calculators, and content promotion. We also offer an exclusive case-by-case basis Digital PR and link-building service.
  • Marketing automation strategy and implementation so that you can nurture cold prospects and turn them into warm leads that you educate and motivate on autopilot.
  • Strategic SaaS website design that prioritizes conversion over the latest design trends so you get revenue, not industry applause
  • Copywriting and creative direction and production so that you never have to deal with ad fatigue.

What you’ll get

  • Your entire demand generation operation outsourced to us, in the hands of experts who’ve done this for over a decade.

    Benefit: Most in-house marketers are spread too thin and want to work with in-depth wisdom of what to do, in the right order, to get the maximum result. We’ll create a complete demand generation strategy that attracts, engages, and converts your ideal avatars, from click to customer.
  • Extensively researched customer avatars enhanced with real-world data sourced directly from your customer database, backed by input from your team, and codified to become an asset that enhances your company’s traction.
    Benefit: You’ll get right-fit traffic from ideal prospects instead of poorly targeted traffic that reduces your conversion rate and increases your cost of acquisition.
  • A comprehensive roadmap including demand generation initiatives prioritized by highest impact and lowest effort, with the least dependencies so you can get results fast.
    Benefit: You’ll have the peace of mind of knowing that you’re investing in the most effective plan possible to scale your demos and trials. We rebalance the plan every quarter before our Quarterly Business Review with clients.
  • Forecasts for your future growth included expected traction, acquisition cost estimates, and business cases for appropriate funding.
    Benefit: You’ll have all the tools necessary to predict your growth, plus you’ll keep your CFO happy.
  • Regular consulting and guidance on your monthly and quarterly plans, including review meetings with your consulting team to discuss insights, importance, impact, and client-consultant input sharing.
    Benefit: You’ll gain access to multiple subject matter experts in design, copywriting, conversion, and traffic acquisition to augment your team’s existing capabilities.

ROI and Investment

Here is why many software and technology companies hire us to grow their companies.

  1. Proven Results — For every $1 invested in our consulting fees, we drive $5 of ARR on average.
  2. Higher Value — We produce bigger, better, and more effective results than an internal team or competing generalist firm or agency.
  3. Outcomes, not Effort — We don’t report on vanity metrics like traffic or impressions. All we care about is driving more demos and trials that actually grow your business.
  4. Fast Ramp Up — Our service pays for itself and demonstrates results within 90 days of working together, which is significantly faster than new in-house hires.
  5. Specialized Experience — Our clients view us as their fractional CMO. We’ve already made the mistakes your new hires will make in their first 6 to 12 months many years ago. You can benefit from our wisdom by steering clear of what not to do.

We can help if you are…

  • A high-growth company that knows it can make a bigger impact, if only you had more customers
  • Ready to make your digital marketing a permanent, thriving part of your culture
  • Sick of trying to do it yourself with limited, short-term results
  • Eager to be recognized and pursued as a national or global leader in your industry
  • Ready to commit to a digital marketing system that reliably generates leads and sales

Our Ideal Client

  • Wants to become a leader in their industry, but has challenges strategically acquiring prospects from digital channels, engaging them to stick around, and profitably converting them into their best customers.
  • Usually, this shows up in the form of missed targets, lack of buy-in from senior management, inadequate digital marketing investment, and confusion around clearly connecting digital marketing initiatives to a tangible return on investment.
  • Wants to hire us because of our expertise and objectivity (it’s unparalleled in our field) combining strategy, systems, and staff. We don’t take ourselves too seriously, but we take the results we drive for clients very seriously.

You are:

  • Willing to have us in the driver’s seat by inviting us to — decide which symptoms are relevant, diagnose the problem accurately, and prescribe the best solutions that can lead to real change but minimizes disruption as much as possible.
  • Quick to connect and share wins and challenges, and quick to implement recommendations.
  • Responsible for themselves. This means showing up on time, being prepared, and owning problems and solutions.
  • Value-focused and have no hesitation about the investment involved to turn their ideas into action, and confusion into clarity. You’ll happily grow with us as your own company grows because not hiring us is much more expensive than doing so.
  • Open to a different perspective on delivering work and communication, and is willing to try things out. We believe the best way to grow your marketing and sales is to be flexible and innovative.

The vast majority of our clients are our ideal clients, and we are fortunate and grateful to deliver a dream result together every single day.

They are smart, hard-working, funny, and they really care about doing a great job.

They’ve enabled us to become a multi-million dollar, self-funded digital consultancy, by growing with us, and by inviting new clients into Powered by Search so that we can spend more time working together, rather than looking for new clients.

Perhaps you’re our next big success story.

Would you like to join us?

What you should do now

Whenever you’re ready…here are 4 ways we can help you grow your B2B software or technology business:

  1. Claim your Free SaaS Scale Session. If you’d like to work with us to turn your website into your best demo and trial acquisition platform, claim your FREE SaaS Scale Session. One of our growth experts will understand your current demand generation situation, and then suggest practical digital marketing strategies to double your demo and trial traffic and conversion fast.
  2. If you’d like to learn the exact demand strategies we use for free, go to our blog or visit our resources section, where you can download guides, calculators, and templates we use for our most successful clients.
  3. If you’d like to work with other experts on our team or learn why we have off the charts team member satisfaction score, then see our Careers page.
  4. If you know another marketer who’d enjoy reading this page, share it with them via email, Linkedin, Twitter, or Facebook.

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